English Day

English celebration of the first English Day


We celebrated the English Day in Los Acacios School, instance where we could be able to show our students the opportunities of learning English in the present time.

Firstly a speech was given by Miss Camila, a  teacher from Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, who shared her experiences of being a teacher, places where she’s travelled around the world, and put a huge emphasis on the importance of acquiring English as a Second Language.

Secondly, Mariruth Morales a student of ours, who won a scholarship last year, also shared her experience in this path on having the opportunity to learn English in a well known Institute in Concepción, after these presentations, our students could ask some questions and realized the chances that they have if they get interested in learning a new language like English.

While on the other side of the school, four students from Electricity, Sanitary,  Technical Nursery  and Administration, presented about their specialties to other students from the School demonstrating the speaking skills that they possess.

Last but not least, we couldn’t be more grateful as the English Department, because students from CEES worked together with us, to make this English day possible. Thank you Dear students you gave the best of you as always.


Here we leave you the link with the video of one of the students who presented about her specialty and some pictures .


Estrella Andrade – Administration

English Department.

Estudiantes del CEES junto al Departamento de Inglés, organizaron el día de Inglés, en dónde al mismo tiempo en que alumnos presentaban de sus especialidades, frente a otros estudiantes del colegio, mostrando sus habilidades al hablar en este idioma, al otro lado del colegio la Profesora Camila de la Universidad de la Santísima Concepción, compartió sus experiencias junto a Mariruth Morales, alumna de nuestro colegio, que nos contó todo acerca de su becaque fue otorgada por un conocido Instituto en Concepción.

Profundos Agradecimientos al CEES, por su gran trabajo en este proyecto.

Departamento de Inglés.